
linux wifi AP, ホテルでインターネット共有, ics

linux wifi AP, ホテルでインターネット共有, ics

At a Hotel, two laptops or laptop, ipad, iphone and etc want to connect internet even one line ethernet.
If you are rich like a easy to buy wifi router and also like to bring many goods, please use router.
ノート2台でなく、ノートPCにiphone, ipad, androidの組み合わせでもいけるはず。windwos側もホストになるらしいが、試していないしあまり興味もない。

*This access point is not Master mode, networks are ad-hoc connect. Because many wifi devices embedded in Laptop PC can not be Master mode. So impossible to use hostapd.
If a wifi device embedded in Laptop able to be Master mode, it can be Access Point with hostapd.
sudo iwconfig wlan0(depend on your wifi device) mode Master
then you will know whether able to be Access Point or not.
This article is tested by iwl4965 device.(iwl4965 can not be Master mode)

linux host

  • networks
  • INTERNET--wan--HOTEL ROOM--LAN--(eth0:ethernet cable)LinuxLaptopPC(wlan0:wifi)--(wifi)ipad,--(wifi)iphone,--(wifi)android and etc. 
もし、不明な事があれば気軽に質問して下さい。Do not be hesitate to ask me about it.
詳しいやり方、How to be Laptop PC as wifi AP.

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