
Linux network manager

Wicd is an open source wired and wireless network manager for Linux which aims to provide a simple interface to connect to networks with a wide variety of settings.

Some of Wicd's features include:

No Gnome dependencies (although it does require GTK), so it is easy to use in XFCE, Fluxbox, Openbox, Enlightenment, etc.
Ability to connect to wired and wireless networks
Profiles for each wireless network and wired network
Many encryption schemes, some of which include WEP/WPA/WPA2 (and you can add your own)
Remains compatible with wireless-tools
Tray icon showing network activity and signal strength
A full-featured console interface

There are instructions for installing Wicd on Ubuntu, Debian, Arch, Fedora, Slackware, and Gentoo on the downloads page, although it should work on any Linux distro.


home of wicd






After read "How Teenagers Consume Media"

There is that report:PDF "How Teenagers Consume Media"
I feel my consume media is teenagers level.
And moreover I know my economic level is same as them.
That is sad fact.
But strongly most of consumer won't spend money such a no reality things(means disable to touch in real),like a software,music...and some service:like a 3G internet service.
Because All we can find it free or can do it by instead way.
I think just the adults tired to find it or could not catch up updates.
That's why accept to pay easy.(Maybe some adults buy time for instead effort to find it.)

I propose nice mobile phone that specification:

1.less than 100USD consumer price.
2.No contract.
3.(same above)SIM free
4.so so Camera(300mega pix enough)
7.USB port
8.normal headphone jack
9.MP3 music player
10.SD-card storage
11.full browser
12.some VM environment for scripting langs(python,ruby or perl)

No need:inside cam for TV talk,touch panel.

Please do not make such a JAPANESE Galápagos phone.

see there:about "Why Japan’s Cellphones Haven’t Gone Global"
But other side,I think below too.(mixin device vendor and carrier side)
*Too heavy to use(physical and execute software)
*There is few useful soft,nothing interesting software.All I want to delete from system.
*Who use fxxk'n so expensive TV call.

There is that report:PDF "How Teenagers Consume Media"

So Wii + mobile-phone will be Best for teenagers.
like a mobile-phone embedded on Wii.Base is wii.
For adults,That above specific phone.I want too.
Catch emerging market,They demand "cheap and useful(means no need garbage software and device port)".
See the safaricom,They success in Africa.Because start charge by per second.
They made nice charge type for fitting,Do you know how complex Japanese phone contract type?
Looks like carrier make us giving up choosing best way.No one understand well.

Who needs TV call,email by 3G,CHAKU MERO(download ring tone with charge).
We need simple useful phone and simple contract.

By the way,this "vnl" company made grate GSM station.
That GSM station use soler power.

Is there someone try to be mobile phone vendor for emerging market?
I am very interesting.


Rich ! but good ideas.

Very interesting Wellbeing room...
I heard from my friend,when my friend was in his private theater,
The theater was going down to the ocean.
And enjoy movie like in ocean.
Maybe they'll suprise how I living...

I also inspired


Gossam City!!!



Who is Chewie ?

Chewie, Darth Vader, Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, Leia and R2D2.... on Twitpic

I can not remember which is. Ah both I've never seen the face at that time.

Maybe eye glass man is Darth Vader...

Landmine works 24x7x365 without food.




堀や塀も同じで、食料も休憩もなく、ずっと働くから。地雷なくそうと運動している人の家に、塀がないんならいいけど、自分の家に塀があるのに、人様の国に行って、地雷はよくないと活動している。塀だって、見られたくない、入られたくない、から立てていて、地雷も入られたくないから、埋設しているわけで。戦争はよくないと簡単に言い、俺は、私は、戦争反対の活動家、また、人様の国に行って何かする。そういう国に行って、現地の人を相手に商売している人の方がよっぽど役に立ってるよ。くだらねないNPOなんか最低、ただの税金対策でしょ、だからNon Profitでなにするの?そもそもNon Profitならそんな肩書き?団体名?いらないでしょ。正式の組織だと寄付を集めやすく行動しやすいのだろうが、、、うさんくさい。
* (1)正式の組織(Formal Organization)であること
* (2)非政府組織であること(Non-Governmental)
* (3)利益を配分しないこと(Non-Profit Distributing)
* (4)自己統治(Self-Governing)
* (5)自発的であること(Voluntary)




みんなで、丸腰。ALL OK.

Gmail IMAP by Mutt "Zero config !"

Zero config !

There are many how to internet Gmail IMAP by Mutt

But this is interactive way for feel Mutt with Gmail IMAP.

% mutt (enter)
Then when see mutt,Type 'c'
#####Starting Interactive with mutt########
Open mailbox ('?') for list):imaps://imap.gmail.com:993(enter)
your account or id:Yours@gmail.com(enter)

It is sure works Mutt 1.5.20.

Cell phone Mom's Beach - Italians


Yes ! like that season now !
long for beer and at that days.
let's !


Make Java environment,Stuck on Debian

Make Java environment on Debian Lenny

(non free)

I stuck to ant for jruby.

1st.add it your /etc/apt/sources.list

deb http://mirrors.kernel.org/debian/ lenny main non-free
# this is your main mirrors when you install
deb-src http://mirrors.kernel.org/debian/ lenny main non-free
# this is your main mirrors when you install

deb http://security.debian.org/ lenny/updates main non-free
deb-src http://security.debian.org/ lenny/updates main non-free


aptitude update
aptitude install sun-java6-jdk

3rd.if you need.
update-java-alternatives -s java-6-sun
echo 'JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun"' | tee -a /etc/environment

If browsers were women



Configure Evolution for gmail IMAP

=> Receiving E-mail

Server Type: IMAP
Server: imap.gmail.com:993
Username: Your complete Gmail address
Security: SSL
Authentication Type: Password
Remember Password: Check (optional)

=> Sending E-mail

Server Type: SMTP
Server: smtp.gmail.com:587
Server Requires Authentication: Check
Security: TLS
Authentication Type: Login
Username: Your complete Gmail address
Remember Password: Check (optional)

Debian Enable IBM embedded bluetooth


Works out of the box using the bluetooth and hci_usb driver. The laptop's Bluetooth device is USB-attached internally and shows up in lsusb as:

$ lsusb
Bus 003 Device 004: ID 1668:0441 Actiontec Electronics, Inc. [hex] IBM Integrated Bluetooth II

The device is not enabled per default though (which is a good thing), you can enable it like this:

$ echo enable > /proc/acpi/ibm/bluetooth

Disabling is equally simple:

$ echo disable > /proc/acpi/ibm/bluetooth

After that, you can use hcitool / hciconfig etc. as usual, and/or enable more related stuff with /etc/init.d/bluetooth restart.

Get skype for Debian Lenny

# vim /etc/apt/sources.list
deb http://download.skype.com/linux/repos/debian/ stable non-free
aptitude update
to install the skype:
# aptitude install skype







Tom Waits - The Piano Has Been Drinking - 1977



Ron Jeremyさんの言ってることは全面的に正しいです。



Now Disqus stucks

“Why do I have 7 comment links ?„

Where is legacy apps...

Don't worry.

For tester,legacy machine lover.
There can get legacy apps.
  • IE7 download

  • Old Skype download

  • Very good service !

    Get BLogger Labels

    $label_url = "http://www.blogger.com/feeds/#{$userID}/blogs/#{$blogID}?alt=json-in-script&callback=listLabels"

    class BlogLabels

    def get_labels
    result = URLFetch.get($label_url)
    result_headless = result.gsub("listLabels(",'')
    pure_result = result_headless.gsub(");",'')


    @labels = BlogLabels.new
    @labels.get_labels.each do |cont|
    puts cont['term']

    JSON was not works.
    Change to use YAML.

    response = URLFetch.get($label_url)
    result = response.to_s
    result_headless = result.gsub("listLabels(",'')
    pure_result = result_headless.gsub(");",'')
    json_to_yaml = YAML::load(pure_result)['entry']['category']



    Computers,cars and motorcycles.

    For example, when since 80's motorcycle or car is broken,,,

    • The coil was broken. => Want a coil => I want to buy only coil => There is only Assy, no choice. And should to get a combined order. => Will take a heavy flywheel and coil.
    • The car window open switch was a broeken. => I want to buy a switch => There is only Assy, no choice. And should to get a combined order. =>Will take all electrical system is on the inside of the door.
    • Ignition timing is wrong. => CDI problem. => Impossible repairs => Exchange.

    For example, when the old 60's motorcycle or car is broken,,,

    • The coil was broken. => Want a coil => Search => To replace the coil.
    • The car window open switch was a broeken.(Maybe no electric window open) => Adjust or replace the gear.
    • Ignition timing is wrong. => Something wrong with the governor. => Re-adjust or replace the timing capacitor.

    For example, Microsoft WindowsXP,,,

    • When Excel often down. => I do not know. => Excel send report, But MS does not send any reply to the report, even fell frequently. => Re-install it.Because paid soft,don't want waste.
    • When Blue back. => Not start. => I do not know. => MSN is going to the site, the comments that have rotation spots to hit similar problems. (Why MS does not support by phone?)
    • When IE8 has been updated by automatic(People usually think so). => Can not browse some site. => Can not be downgraded. => Probably reinstall windowsXP.

    For example, GNU/Linux,,,

    • When OpenOffice down. (Sometime A little heavy, But never down) => So what the hell(This is free). => Re-install.
    • When Kernel panic on wake. => Not start. => I do not know. => Ask for help from the community. Usually can find answer.
    • When FF 3.5 is an updated itself. (But does not update without expressly) => Can not browse the site occurs. (Not currently), some plug-in is unusable. => Give up pulg-in or downgraded.

    I am not saying Linux is old, Mostly Linux has the User. Microsoft has the Customer. It is your money that for supporting.
    Who make good software free ! Although Bill Gates is saying. But paying money without support. Who attention to pay ?
    Also, Now increaseing people leave for be freedom from Microsoft product net even pay.
    The Delight of old cars and motorcycles are feeling that old maker build that fine and strong with builder pride and enjoy my own repairs and the custom, because it is able to be attempted understanding the mechanism.
    This is open source in GNU/Linux. Able to read the source, you can try to understand. Analysis of electron injection program the ROM to try to tune in, here's Linux side. It was tuned to the ROM is replaced, this is a windows side and they want.
    CDI will be replaced as maker say the manufacturer has failed. When strange Governor, who will happily tell us how to do, of course able to understand it yourself too. Because you can open.
    There are some differences work and hobby. But we should have no stress.
    I want be surrounded by known and open things.



    • バイクのコイルが断線しました。 => コイルが欲しい => 売ってくれない => Assyという抱き合わせを注文せざる得ない。 => 重たいフライホイールとコイルがやってくる。

    • 車のウィンドウのボタンがおかしくなりました。 => スイッチが欲しい => 売ってくれない => Assyという抱き合わせを注文せざる得ない。 => ドアの内側の電気系統がまとまった高いものを買わされる。

    • 発火のタイミングがおかしい。=> CDIがおかしい。 => 修理不能 => 交換。


    • バイクのコイルが断線しました。 => コイルが欲しい => 探す => コイル交換する。

    • 車のウィンドウのボタンがおかしくなりました。 => そもそも手動。 => ギアの調整or交換。

    • 発火のタイミングがおかしい。=> ガバナーがおかしい。 => タイミング再調整orコンデンサー交換。

    例えば、Microsoft WindowsXP、、、

    • エクセルがよく落ちる。 => 分からない。 => レポートを送信するが返事はなく、たびたび落ちて、レポートしている。 => お金払ったソフトなのでもったいないので再インストール。

    • ブルーバックしました。 => 起動しません。 => 分からない。 => MSNのサイトに行くが、同じような問題にぶち当たっているコメントのたらい回し。(有料なのに電話サポートないのでしょうか?)

    • IE8に勝手にアップデートされた。(普通の人はそう思う) => ブラウジングできないサイトが発生。 => ダウングレードできない。 => おそらくwindowsXPの再インストール。


    • OpenOfficeがよく落ちる。(重い時はあるがほとんど落ちない) => 無料なので仕方ない。 => 再インストール。

    • カーネルパニックおこしている。 => 起動しません。 => 分からない。 => コミュニティに助けを求める。

    • FFが3.5勝手にアップデートされた。(明示しないとアップデートされないが) => ブラウジングできないサイトが発生。(いまのところない)、使えなくなったプラグインはある。 => ダウングレードorプラグインをあきらめる。


    BCM4321 on Latitude D430

    At kernel 3 find wireless hardware lspci | grep -i wireless  check using current kernel module with PCI bus address lspci -vv -s 0c:...