
After read "How Teenagers Consume Media"

There is that report:PDF "How Teenagers Consume Media"
I feel my consume media is teenagers level.
And moreover I know my economic level is same as them.
That is sad fact.
But strongly most of consumer won't spend money such a no reality things(means disable to touch in real),like a software,music...and some service:like a 3G internet service.
Because All we can find it free or can do it by instead way.
I think just the adults tired to find it or could not catch up updates.
That's why accept to pay easy.(Maybe some adults buy time for instead effort to find it.)

I propose nice mobile phone that specification:

1.less than 100USD consumer price.
2.No contract.
3.(same above)SIM free
4.so so Camera(300mega pix enough)
7.USB port
8.normal headphone jack
9.MP3 music player
10.SD-card storage
11.full browser
12.some VM environment for scripting langs(python,ruby or perl)

No need:inside cam for TV talk,touch panel.

Please do not make such a JAPANESE Galápagos phone.

see there:about "Why Japan’s Cellphones Haven’t Gone Global"
But other side,I think below too.(mixin device vendor and carrier side)
*Too heavy to use(physical and execute software)
*There is few useful soft,nothing interesting software.All I want to delete from system.
*Who use fxxk'n so expensive TV call.

There is that report:PDF "How Teenagers Consume Media"

So Wii + mobile-phone will be Best for teenagers.
like a mobile-phone embedded on Wii.Base is wii.
For adults,That above specific phone.I want too.
Catch emerging market,They demand "cheap and useful(means no need garbage software and device port)".
See the safaricom,They success in Africa.Because start charge by per second.
They made nice charge type for fitting,Do you know how complex Japanese phone contract type?
Looks like carrier make us giving up choosing best way.No one understand well.

Who needs TV call,email by 3G,CHAKU MERO(download ring tone with charge).
We need simple useful phone and simple contract.

By the way,this "vnl" company made grate GSM station.
That GSM station use soler power.

Is there someone try to be mobile phone vendor for emerging market?
I am very interesting.

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