
Debian Sarge Openswan klips(no one want now)

  • aptitude install build-essential libgmp3-dev gawk flex bison kernel-source-<yo linux> kernel-headers-<yo linux><yo arch>
  • get patch and patch kernel,build and install

When config kernel,NB! This is VERY important the following value has got to be removed:
< > PF_KEY sockets
This is the NETKEY option in the kernel, we will disable this one so we can
make room for KLIPS :)

idea from here.

    • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 
      cd /usr/src
      wget http://www.openswan.org/download/openswan-2.4.15.tar.gz
      wget http://www.openswan.org/download/openswan-2.4.15.kernel-2.4-klips.patch.gz
      tar -xvjf kernel-source<yo linux>
      cd kernel-source<yo linux>
      cp -r ../kernel-headers-<yo linux>/* .
      patch -p1 < some/patch/openswan-2.4.15.kernel-2.4-klips.patch
      make oldconfig or make menuconfig
      make-kpkg clean
      make-kpkg --revision klips.rc03 kernel-image modules_image
  • build openswan userland tool
    • 1 2 3 
      cd some/src/openswan-2.4.15
      make KERNELSRC=/usr/src/kernel-source<yo linux> programs module
      make KERNELSRC=/usr/src/kernel-source<yo linux> install minstall
    • when succeeded build log

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