
run Jruby on Google App Engine from windows

Basically follow this lecture OK.
Get a fresh version from http://github.com/nicksieger/jruby-rack/tree/master

cd jruby-rack
PATH-TO-JRUBY/bin/jruby -S rake SKIP_SPECS=true

1.You should check directory.
should not path include "space" etc.
I could not rake in Document~ directory.
2.use Jruby from "git clone git://kenai.com/jruby~main"
I stuck use other dist.

that all,no problems
p.s. better has Cygwin for use split-jruby.sh
and when running on local by C:\appengine-java-sdk-1.2.0\bin\dev_appserver.cmd,error.
But in Google App Engine,no error.
this is my TODO:

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